Tertius Edwardus, capto pernice Caleto, (Gallica quo Regna sunt resarata sibi) Ire domum tentans, diris turbinibus actus In pelago, Vitae magna pericla subit." Oct. Decimo quarto, tamen appulit Oras Nativas. (His quam prosperus ille dies !) Natali laetare tuo, guam Maxime Princeps; Fausta velut sunt haec, Omnia semper habe." October's fourteenth gave the Norman Duke That victory, whence he Englands sceptre took.* Third Edward, after he had Calais won, (The mean whereby he France did over-run) Returning home, by raging tempests tost, (And near his life (so fortunes) to have lost)** Arrived safe on shore the self-same date. (This day to them afforded so fair fate.) Great Duke, rejoice in this your day of birth; And may such omens still encrease your mirth. * Stow, in anno 1066. ** Stow, in anno 1347. The Verses I presented in anno 1672, to a most honourable Peer of the land, and of great place near his Royal Highness. Since which time, old Fabian's chronicle coming into my hands, from him I got knowledge, that that advantagious peace, mentioned by Stow, anno 1360, (concluded between the forementioned King Edward III. And the French King) was acted upon the fourteenth of October, with grand solemnity. The two former circumstances must needs fall out providentially: whether this last of anno 1360, was designed by Edward III. or no, (as remembering his former good hap) may be some question: I am of opinion not. Where things are under a man's peculiar concern, he may fix a time; but here was the French King concerned equally with the English, and many other great personages interested. To have tied them up to his own auspicious conceit of the day, had been an unkind oppression, and would have brought the judgment of so wise a Prince into question; we may conclude then, it was meerly fortuitous. And therefore to the former observation concerning this famous Edward, give me leave to add, "Insuper hoc ipso die (sibi commoda) Grandis Rex cum Galligenis, foedera fecit idem", An advantageous peace, on day self-same, This mighty Prince did with the Frenchmen frame. A memorable peace (foretold by Nostradamus) much conducing to the saving of Christian blood, was made upon the fourteenth of October 1557, between Pope Paul IV. Henry II. of France, and Philip II. of Spain. Nostradamus says, these great Princes were "frappez du ciel", moved from Heaven to make this peace. See Garencier's Comment on Nostradamus, p. 76. A lucky day this, not only to the Princes of England, but auspicious to the welfare of Europe. John Gibbon, 1678. Thus far Mr. John Gibbon. The Latin verses of the twelve months quoted by him out of an old manuscript, I have seen in several mass-books; and they are printed in the calendar to the works of the Venerable Bede. 'Tis to be presumed, that they were grounded upon experience; but we have no instances left us of the memorables of those days. As for the third and tenth of September, I have here set down some extractions from a little book called The Historian's Guide: or, Britain's Remembrancer; which was carefully collected by a club. It begins at the year 1600, and is continued to 1690. There cannot be found in all the time aforesaid, the like instances. "Tertia Septembris, & denus fere mala membris". September 3,1641. The Parliament adjourned to the 20th of October next, and the Irish rebellion broke out, where were 20,000 persons barbarously murdered. September 3, 1643. Biddeford, Appleford, and Barnstable surrendered to the King. September 3, 1650. Dunbar fight. September 3, 1651. Worcester fight. September 3, 1651. Earl of Derby defeated at Preston. September 3,1654. A third Parliament at Westminster. September 3, 1658. Oliver, Protector died. September 3, 1675. The town of Northampton near burnt down to the ground by accidental fire. September 3, 1662. William Lenthal, Speaker of the House of Commons, died. September 3, 4, 1665. Four Dutch men of war, two East-India ships, and several merchant-men taken by the Earl of Sandwich, with the loss only of the Hector. September 2, 1644. The Earl of Essex fled to Plymouth, and the army submitted to the King. September 2, 1645. The Scots raised the siege from before Hereford. September 2, 1653. The Londoners petition the Parliament to continue tythes. September 2, 1685. The Lady Lisle beheaded at Winchester, for harbouring Hicks, a rebel.. September 4, 1643. Exeter taken by Prince Maurice. September 4, 1653. General Blake buried at Westminster. September 5, 1652. The French fleet beaten by the English. **Memorables on September the tenth. September 10, 1643. The siege of Gloucester raised. I remember over that gate which leads to Nymphs-field was this following inscription in free-stone: the walls are now pulled down. Always remember, The tenth of September, One thousand six hundred forty three, And give God the glory. September 10, 1645. Bristol surrendered to the Parliament. September 10, 1649. Drogheda taken, as appears by Cromwell's letter to the Speaker Lenthal. September 10, 1660. Peace with Spain proclaimed. September 10, 1670. Peace concluded between England and Spain in America, was this day ratified at Madrid. 19 September 10, 1673. This day his majesty commanded the Earl of Ossory to take the command of the fleet at the Buoy in the Nore, in the absence of Prince Rupert. September 12, 1679. The King takes from the Duke of Monmouth his commission of General. September 12, 1680. Mrs. Cellier tried at the Old Bailey, for publishing a book called Malice Defeated, &c. and found guilty. September 12, 1683. The siege of Vienna raised (after the besieged had lost 10,000 men, and the besiegers 70,000) by the King of Poland, and the Duke of Lorrain. May 29, 1630. King Charles II. born. May 29, 1660. Restored. May 29, 1672. The fleet beaten by the Dutch. May 29, 1679. A rebellion broke out in the west of Scotland, where they proclaimed the covenant, and put forth a declaration. The Emperor Charles V. was born on February 24, 1500. He won the battle of Pavia, February 24, 1525. Clement VII. crowned him Emperor, February 24, 1530. Raphael d'Urbino (the famous painter) was born on Good-Friday, and died on Good-Friday. At Feltwell in Norfolk (which lies east and west) a fire happened to break out at the west end, which the west wind blew and burned all the street: on that day twenty years, another fire happened there, which began at the east end, and burned it to the ground again. This I had from a reverend divine. Quaere de hoc. Colonel Hugh Grove of Wiltshire, was beheaded at Exeter (together with Colonel John Penruddock) on the ninth day of May 1655. On that very day three years, his son and heir died at London of a malignant fever, and about the same hour of the day. A very good friend of mine and old acquaintance was born on the 15th of November: his eldest son was born on the 15th of November, and his second son's first son on the 15th of November. At thee hour of prime, April 6, 1327, Petrarch first saw his mistress Laura in the Church of Saint Clara in Avignon. In the same city, same month, same hour, 1348, she died. 'Tis his own remark. Petrarcha Redivivus, 242. DAY FATALITY OF ROME, **Written by Mr. JOHN PELL, D.D. from whom I had it. THEY that called the city of Rome, "Urbs AEterna", seemed to believe that Rome could never be destroyed. But there have been great numbers of men, that did verily believe, that it shall have an irrecoverable over-throw. Writers have proceeded so far, as to foretell the time of Rome's final ruin. Some said that Rome's perdition should happen in the year of Christ 1670, they have now been decried nine whole years: so that few take care to know what reasons moved them to pitch upon that number. A Lutheran historian, anno 1656, wrote thus, "Finem Jubileorum Ecclesiasticorum omniumque temporum in Scriptura revelatorum, desinere in Annum Christi Millesimum sexcentesimum & septuagesimum, antehac observavit Beatus Gerhardus cum Philippo Nicolao". But all men are not of Dr. Gerhard's opinion. Many men believe, that some of the prophecies in the Revelations do reach far beyond our times, and that the events of future times will unclasp and unseal a considerable portion of the Apocalypse. One of the reasons, that recommended the number of 1670, was because it is the sum of 410, and 1260. Historians agree, that in the year of Christ 410, in the month of August, Rome was trampled under foot, and her heathen inhabitants were miserably slaughtered by the victorious army of Alaric, a Christian King of the Goths. Paulus Diaconus saith, August the 24th was the day of King Alaric's taking Rome. Kedrenus saith, it was August the 26th, perhaps the army first entered the 24th, and the King followed not till two days after. As for the other number 1260. It is twice found in the Revelations of St. John, ch. 11, 3. "My two witnesses shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and sixty days." And chap. 12, 6. " Should feed the woman in the Wilderness, a thousand two hundred and threescore days. "And it is there expressed in another form, (42 times 30) chap. 11, 2. "The Gentiles shall tread the holy city under foot forty and two months." Chap. 13, 5. "Power was given to the blasphemous beast to continue forty and two months." Chap. 12, 14. "The woman is nourished in the Wilderness for ({Greek text: Kairon kai kaironos kai hemisu kairon}) a season and seasons, and half a season." See Act. 1, 7. 360 and 720, and 180 are equal to 1260. So it seems every {Greek text: kaipo} hath 360 days, or twelve months at thirty days to a month. No doubt Daniel had given occasion to this expression, chap. 7, 25. " A time, and times, and the dividing of time." No man can ground any distinct reasoning upon such general words. But yet it is not tied to a just number of days, (as 360) but is capable of various interpretations in several prophecies. Daniel useth a plural in both places, and not a dual, (two times and two seasons) nor doth John say, two seasons: but by his Numeral Illustration, he teaches us to understand him, as if he had said, (chap. 12, 14). " For three seasons and half a season:" I say Numeral Illustration. For I take it to be no other than an easy example (12 and 24 and 6 are 42) to direct the sons of the prophets not yet arrived to the skill of dealing with difficult supputations of numbers not then discoverable. As Revel. 13, 18. "Here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast." By 1260 days, almost all the interpreters understand so many years, but not a year of 360 days; because they find no nation that hath so short a year. The Egyptians had a year of just 365 days; but before St. John was born, the Romans had forced them to allow 365 1/4 as we use now in England. In an enquiry concerning Rome, it is fit to consider the length of a Roman year. (I may justly say a Roman-Moyed; for no city ever had their year's length and form of a calendar determined, settled, and commanded with so much absolute authority as Rome had) Julius Caesar by an edict commanded that number of 365 1/4 to be observed, and therefore it is called a Julian year. Three Julians and an half have days 1278 3/8, but Julian years 1378 3/8 are 1278 Julian years, and days 136 31/32; or almost 137 days. Almost 100 years ago, Pope Gregory the XIII by a papal bull introduced a calendar wherein the year's length is supposed to have days 365 97/500 Then three Gregorian years and an half have days 1278 279/800 But Gregorian years 1278 279/800 are 1278 Julian years, and days almost 118. Wherefore instead of adding 1260, add 1278, add 137 days to the year of our Lord 410, August 26. The sum shews the year of our Lord 1688, August 163, that is, ten days after the end of December 1688 old stile. This is the utmost, or farthest day, beyond which no Apocalypse account (reckoning from Alaric) can point out a time for the final destruction of the city of Rome. Again (instead of adding 1260) add 1278 years, and days 118 to the year of our Lord 410, August 24. The sum shews the year of our Lord 1688, August 142, that is, eleven days before the end of December 1688 old stile. This (December 20) is the nearest or soonest day that can be gathered by Apocalyptic account (reckoning from Alaric) to point out the time of Rome's final ruin. But if it happens not before the eleventh of January, men will make no more reckoning of Alaric; but begin a new account from Attila, in the year of Christ, 453. Calculation to a day (when we can do it) may be defended by a great example. Exod. 12, 41. "At the end of 430 years, even the self-same day, &c." John Pell. Dr. Pell told me, that St. Augustin writes somewhere, to this purpose, viz. "That it were to be wished, that some skilful mathematician would take the pains to examine and consider the mathematical parts of the holy scripture." OF FATALITIES OF FAMILIES AND PLACES. THE Lord Chancellor Bacon says,* " As for nobility in particular persons, it is a reverend thing to see an antient castle or building not in decay: or to see a fair timber tree sound and perfect; how much more to behold an antient noble family, which hath stood against the waves and weathers of time: for new nobility is but the act of power; but antient nobility is the act of time." *Essay XIV. of Nobility. But "Omnium rerum est vicissitudo": families and places have their fatalities, according to that of Ovid. "Fors sua cuique loco est". Fast. lib. 4. This piece of a verse puts me in mind of several places in Wiltshire, and elsewhere, that are, or have been fortunate to their owners: and e contra. Stourton, (the seat of the Lord Stourton) was belonging to this family before the conquest. They say, that after the victory at Battaile, William the Conqueror came in person into the west, to receive their rendition; that the Lord Abbot of Glastonbury, and the rest of the Lords and Grandees of the western parts waited upon the Conqueror at Stourton-house; where the family continue to this day. The honourable family of the Hungerfords, is probably of as great antiquity as any in the county of Wilts. Hungerford, (the place of the barony) was sold but lately by Sir Edward Hungerford, Knight of the Bath; as also the noble and ancient seat of Farleigh-Castle, about anno 167-. But that this estate should so long continue is not very strange; for it being so vast, 'twas able to make several withstandings against the shock of fortune. The family of Gawen, have been long at Norington, in the parish of Alvideston in Wiltshire. It was sold by --- Gawen, Esq. to Sir Wadham Wyndham, one of the Judges of the King's Bench, about 1665. They continued in this place four hundred fifty and odd years. Then also was sold their estate in Broad-Chalk, which they had as long, or
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